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Hello, my name is Milagros Hinojosa and I am working on my Credential Program at CSUSM.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

EDSS 530


First of all, I want you to know that I am not an expert in Technology; in other words, I am not a “Technology Person”. However I have been trying so hard in order to keep up with my work. I had a traditional education. I grew up with little use of technology. In my “square world” I thought it was enough sending and receiving e-mails, creating a simple power point presentation, and using Microsoft Word programs to prepare my lesson plans. Now, I realize that there is great world of opportunities to become a more prepare person. I know I am not going to change overnight but I am sure that little by little I will get there.
When I first enrolled into the Credential Program, I thought; “ well this class is part of the requirements so let’s get it done” I never imagine how my perception about technology would change. When I look back, I realized I have lost valuable time in cultivating my personal learning network. My mentality has been changing through this time in this class in addition to my other classes. In each one of them I have found valuable knowledge that I am more than sure is going to be my major support through my journey as teacher. I have to say that at the beginning I was so overwhelmed with all the information. I want to mention that thanks to my Professor Jeff, I have learned how to use some of these valuables tools to accomplish my work for my other classes’ presentations. Some of these tools are the creation of my blog where I have posted all of my assignments, the creation of accounts such as twitter, tweet deck, diigo, Weebly, Google docs, gmail, etc.
After this semester, I am going away with a handful of new ideas, new articles to read that will help me to enrich my knowledge, also with the knowledge of new technology tools that I am planning to use on behalf of my students. As an educator, it’s important to provide students with the best tools to confront this changing society. I am learning how to integrate technology in my content area which is Spanish. My biggest challenge and future goal will be my immersion into technology in a deeper way to enhance my job opportunities but the most important to become a more prepare educator.